© JanoschAbel

© JanoschAbel

next festival

Wasted Land

Ntando Cele

dès 14 ans

ME 06 NOV 20:15


infos / tarifs

Tarif Next A 21€ / 19€ / 6 €

Phénix voyageur

départ du Phénix 18h
La réservation, indispensable, de la navette se fait en même temps que celle de la place.


If the Earth truly belongs to its inhabitants, then shouldn’t one have a word to say on how one contributes to it? In a poetic and musical show pervaded with biting irony and absurd comedy, Wasted Land shows the schizophrenia that consumerism is. Between “benevolent” Western ecology and the living death of fast fashion sweatshops is a pile of garments become toxic waste.  


Show followed by an opening party