baroque à l'avant-scène
So British !
Ensemble Hemiolia
SA 12 OCT 19:00 Naturellement accessible aux personnes malvoyantes et aveugles
infos / tarifs
If eel jelly and kidney grease plum-pudding don’t scare you off, then this programme is meant for you ! From Purcell to the Beatles, from Playford to the Rolling Stones, this show explores the ability of the British people to turn some atypical mix into unrivalled style…
A cliché eclectic programme that we simply love ! The opportunity to rediscover British culture swinging from one extreme to the other for our pure delight ! God save the King ! Hemiolia is a collective of baroque musicians created in 2008 by cello player Claire Lamquet. Chamber music, orchestra, choirs… Her original projects are a delight to every audience.