© Jean-Baptiste Millot

jazz à l'avant-scène


Matthieu Chazarenc, Canto

Matthieu Chazarenc, Laurent Derache, Sylvain Gontard, Christophe Wallemme

JE 03 OCT 20:00 Naturellement accessible aux personnes malvoyantes et aveugles


infos / tarifs

Tarif C


batterie-compositions Matthieu Chazarenc

accordéon Laurent Derache

bugle Sylvain Gontard

contrebasse Christophe Wallemme

Spain, the East, the Caribbeans : Drum player and composer Matthieu Chazarenc has a southern heart. Inspired by a thousand influences, his jazz music is full of warm colours and generous melodies. A celebration of rebellion, friendship and lust for life. 

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