Dance / objets / musique
Amélie Poirier | Les Nouveaux Ballets du Nord-Pas-de-Calais
100% family dès 7 ans
What may be more vintage and unusual to a 10-year old child than an audiotape? Amélie Poirier turns the quirkiness into an exhilarating excuse to play and perform as a group. It also has the power to defuse conflict. A two-sided show fixing the complex relation to others through soothing and laughter.
In the B-side (aged 7 and over), clown Marjorie Efther uses the tape as a memory bearer. Memories of childhood, when one learns to assert oneself respectfully of others. A clever reflection on the relation to others, building itself from early childhood.
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atelier parents/enfants
100% family dès 7 ans