Il risveglio – L’éveil
Pippo Delbono | Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT
JE 06 FÉV 20:00
infos / tarifs
10€ / 5€
conception, mise en scène Pippo Delbono
avec Dolly Albertin, Gianluca Ballarè, Margherita Clemente, Pippo Delbono, Ilaria Distante, Mario Intruglio, Nelson Lariccia, Gianni Parenti, Giovanni Ricciardi, Pepe Robledo, Grazia Spinella
Collaborateurs à la musique Alexander Bălănescu, Pedro Jóia, Giovanni Ricciardi.
Lumières Orlando Bolognesi.
Costumes Elena Giampaoli.
Son Pietro Tirella.
Chef machiniste Enrico Zucchelli.
Organisation Davide Martini.
Assistant de production Riccardo Porfido.
Diffusion de production en francophonie Théâtre de Liège (Belgique).
Producteur exécutive Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale (Italie).
Co-producteurs Teatro Stabile di Bolzano (Italie), Teatro
Metastasio di Prato (Italie), Théâtre de Liège (Belgique), Sibiu International Theatre Festival/Teatrul National «Radu Stanca»
(Roumanie), Teatrul National «Mihai Eminescu» Timisoara (Roumanie), Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bucarest (Roumanie), TPE – Teatro Piemonte Europa/Festival delle Colline Torinesi (Italie), Théâtre Gymnase-Bernardines Marseille (France). En collaboration avec Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara di Trento (Italie), Le Manège Maubeuge – Scène Nationale (France).
What helps us cope with sorrow, pain, illness and wars ? Pippo Delbono, one of the most important figures of contemporary theatre, mixes poems and musical compositions out of love. A show devoted to all our downs and the many times we pick ourselves up.
On a bare stage almost burnt down, characters wander, holding one another by the hand to the crying sound of a violin and a cello. The funeral procession turns gradually into a group dance moved by Pippo Delbono’s melancholic poetry. In a quest for awakening and inner light, they fight together against isolation and fear like phoenixes : “pain has come to an end. Now I’m restlessly awaiting rebirth. There’s no more place for fear.”