baroque à l'avant-scène
Complicités familiales !
Myriam et Gabriel Rignol
SA 16 DÉC 19:00
Myriam and Gabriel Rignol make you a witness of their musical family life. Marais, Forqueray, De Visée and others will share this intimate moment, full of poetry, delicateness and vividness.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, at the Couperin’s, the Marais’, the Rebel’s or the Boesset’s, music was played on every floor ! And so is music at the Rignol’s… With musician parents – one is a flutist and the other one is a pianist, Myriam and Gabriel are accustomed to speaking in music and expressing through their instruments whatever words have trouble saying with so much relevance, gentleness and depth. Please enter their private musical conversation, between metaphysical wonderings and lightness of true joie de vivre.