Magda Kachouche

Chorégraphe / performeuse / plasticienne

Magda Kachouche is choreographer, performer, plastic artist and light designer. She founded the Langue Vivante company in 2022 in the HDF region. Parallely, she’s been working with choreographer Marion Carriau with whom she co-directed and acted in Chêne Centenaire (2021). In 2016, she created the duo MKNM with Noémie Monier – objects, installations and performances. She also worked for 10 years with Mylène Benoit as an assistant director and then artistic collaborator. Together they put on Diotime et les lions still touring in 2018. The Amiens-Valenciennes campus supports her new show with Le Théâtre du Beauvaisis as she is associate artist.

Magda Kachouche

Magda Kachouche

Chorégraphe / performeuse / plasticienne