cabaret de curiosités
Eva Aubigny | Cie Organ Tumult
MA 25 VE 28 FÉV
infos / tarifs
Tarif Cabaret
Phénix voyageur
pédibus départ Phénix 16h
chorégraphie, interprétation Eva Aubigny chorégraphiques Léa Férec-Pourias et Zoë de Sousa.
Compositeur et musicien live Thibaut Langenais.
Créatrice lumière Louise Rustan.
Scénographe Sarah Bisson.
Costumière Gabrielle Marty.
Production cie Organ Tumult / Y.A.G.E.
Coproduction ADAMI, DRAC Hauts-de-France – Tremplin, SPEDIDAM, Happynest –SUPERAMAS, SUBS – Lyon, Ateliers Médicis, Le Croiseur – Lyon / Scènes découvertes Danse.
Accueil en Résidences Espace Pasolini de Valenciennes, Théâtre Le Croiseur – Lyon, Lisière – Vercors, cie Le Double des Clés – Tende, CND de Lyon, Ateliers de Paris CDCN, SUBS – Lyon, Mairie de Lucéram (06), Studio Chatha de Lyon, Espace Culturel de Fontenay- sous-bois. Eva Aubigny est artiste lauréate du dispositif Happynest #7 – SUPERAMAS 23/24 des Hauts-de-France, et de Création en Cours 2024 des Ateliers Médicis.
“Trying to witness disaster for a while before gliding towards a slow trance.” Eva Aubigny invites us to meditate on what helps us hold on. What is our relation to strength – ours, others’s ? A solo in which dancing is slow, driving to claim ownership of one’s being and the struggles it experiences.
Postcolonial philosopher Nadia Yala Kisukidi has greatly inspired Eva Aubigny, previously seen in Jerome Bel’s plays. Alone on stage, she moves patiently between balance and loss of balance, with a candle flame and a box of sound matter as only landmarks. A powerful choreographic moment performed in a state of awaken hypnosis spread in time, between anxiety and peace.