
Un soir de gala

Vincent Dedienne

dès 14 ans
infos / tarifs



auteurs Vincent Dedienne, Juliette Chaigneau, Mélanie Le Moine, Anaïs Harté

mise en scène Vincent Dedienne et Juliette Chaigneau

Scénographie Lucie Joliot.

Création lumière Kelig Le Bars.

Chorégraphie Yan Raballand.

Youngsters, old-timers, pushovers, nutcases, optimists and doomed ones… Vincent Dedienne brings to life a sample group of endearing, irritating or grotesque characters all infected with modern life quirks. A moving and funny one-man show.


An old-timer addicted to celebrities’ funerals, a megalomaniac actor endlessly placing products, a despicable middle-class woman, a High Potential girl… In Un Soir de Gala, Vincent Dedienne plays a gallery of portraits, characters of all ages, genres and social classes. The actor, comedian and director gives light to modern society’s small syndromes and true neurosis. Laughter is the best medicine.

Une proposition Théâtre Anzin Valenciennes Métropole en accord avec RUQ SPECTACLES